Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Another week gone by in Auckland, its all getting very the same now. The weathers taken a turn now we're in Winter. The weekend was pretty full on though. Saturday was the All Blacks Vs Wales in Hamilton "City of the future" (it really ain't that much to shout about) then Sunday was England vs Germany. Saturday we had to meet down the Fat Camel Bar around 12 for some lunch (hotdogs) before leaving around half 3 for the game. I started drinking about 12 with Andy Tuema, Pip, Simon, Dribbles and Catrinn from Stray. Me and andy decided to get some Jim Bean and Coke for the journey (get us nice and pissed so we didn't have to drink at the game) Unfortunately my camera died on me on the way to the game and my memory died on me after the haka which wasnt as impressive as I was hoping. We all fell alseep on the bus on the way back, getting into Auckland about 12 and carrying on with the drinking until the wee hours of the morning.
Sunday I woke with a banging hangover but knew I had all day to recover before the match. The plan was to go down to Frienz about 7 to start pre-drinking in Marc, Jason and now Rak's room (he got a job doing promo for frienz which is less hours).
A whole bottle of big foot and the rest of the jim bean later we walked down to the harbour in the direction of Fox's. It was absolutely rammed in there and we got in just in time aswell after queueing for an hour. I would say the crowd was 60/40 German but being brittish, me and the boys made ourselves heard and maybe a little too much to several hand selected germans in the crowd. The place went mental when we scored our 2nd goal (that's right.... we DID score that 2nd goal). a couple of hours later we all left pretty down in the dumps heading back to bed.
Last night again was Cassette night. The french girls I had met last week were down there and unfortunately reminded me I lost 3-0 in jagerbomb downing contests (im sorry lads but i was smashed and never going to win). It's all good though, I fought my way back to 3-2. Also they reminded me that I lost a bet to them last week and as part of the deal meant I had to try and kiss the pretty looking girl that works behind the bar.... resulting in me getting refused service which is why she might have been looking at me funny last night. ooops haha.
Well tomorrow's a big day, I have an interview and several people to call regarding fitness jobs in Auckland.

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