Monday, August 23, 2010


Most of the past week has been spent in the TV room with Louise watching shit films as theres nothing really to when the weathers crap but recently there have been moments where you get the feeling that summer is back on its way!
Saturday was one of these days... me, Louise, Nina, Ellie, Rosh, Adam, Mandy, Beatrice and Nick went down the harbour front for a few drinks (not a good idea before work as I was absolutely shattered when I get there) and some food in the sunshine. It was really nice and the food was gorgeous!
The next day I'm ashamed to say that I spent 14 hours in the TV room with everyone. It is Sunday though so it's kind of explainable!
Monday came around and I decided that I would cook for everyone. Nothing special, just some pasta to fill us up before we went drinking at the comedy club. This time it was class! hardly any of the comedians were crap and we had some great banter with the MC purely because he loved the fact we were english. Not a whole lot of us went, just me, Louise, Jake, Beatrice and Laura and the latter 3 made it their mission to make it awkward all night by calling me and Louise a couple and what not.
Cassette Tuesday was remained Chav Tuesday this week. I don't think anyone enjoyed dressing as a chav but we got a few of us together and just ran with. I do believe though that we are going to only do the fancy dress on the odd occasion purely because it's going to get old even though we all have some awesome ideas.
Wednesday again was spent in the TV room before I had to work (the student bar crawl came through Fusion this week and not the Thursday one so me and eddie could have a night off on the Thursday) I didnt really do much as there wasnt a big crowd and spent most of the night just gossiping to Abby as she had seen me and louise together and was curious but there isnt a whole to tell.
Thursday was bar crawl day! I wasnt massively up for it as I felt no need to sharking (on the pull) and only felt like drinking as it was my night off. It was still a pretty good night though. Stayed in Fusion to play the pool comp till around half 11 as i got to the final and put my staff discount to great use. I also took charge of the music and had a little sing song to some classic brittish songs. Parklife was a big hit! Eventually we all left and rejoined the bar crawl at the last bar and for no reason at all me and eddie thought it would be funny to get everyone to draw on us with permanent marker. Not funny the next day when your still covered head to toe in pen after showering for an hour!
Again I just spent the whole day in the TV room recovering with Louise until we both had to leave for work. It was horrible as i was still shattered from the night before and was crashing hard in work!
Saturday and Sunday were just average days with not much to report on so I'll move onto Monday.
We went the comedy club again and just like the 1st week it was kinda shit so me and Louise saw a good opportunity to nail a couple of bottles of wine to make it seem funnier! We all went for a drink in Father Teds after the show but after 1 drink me and Louise decided we had had enough and crawled back to Fusion and collapsed on the coach in the TV room for a couple of hours. standard move really.
So hear I am now with dry mouth and a banging headache! safe to say that Savignon Blanc doesnt agree with me!

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