Sunday, August 1, 2010


This week has been pretty wierd from start to finish (was quite nice to have something shake me up a little). Formalities over with first... Working Thurs, Fri and Sat as per usual. Joined the pub crawl in Cassette after work on Thursday as per usual but didn't do Cassette on Tuesday because I was under the weather. Thursday I got given some news which shook me a little and messed with my head abit as I had to speak to someone about it and I was really dreading that conversation and spent all week thinking about it but thankfully it went well so my head was a little messed up before today.
Roisin got back from her travels on Friday night so I met up with her after work and spent pretty much all day with her on Saturday before work. It was nice seeing her again and just chilling out with her. Work on Saturday was a nightmare... We were short staffed meaning that where I would usually just do the Glassie job behind the bar so I could still serve and the other Glassie collect from the dancefloor and around the pool tables, I had to do both... and serve drinks so I was rushed off my feet and It was the same on Friday aswell. Also we had 3 managers behind the bar because James was working which meant all the shit jobs got passed onto me instead of them taking control and doing it themselves which pissed me off. First off, being glassy on Saturdays is bad enough because your dealing with drunk people giving you hassle the whole time and your cleaning up after them (broken glass and spilt drinks) but when 1 person doesnt pull their weight during the cleaning after work, it can be unbearable. e.g taking a personal call for 20mins so you end up doing your job (which is putting all the glasses through the wash and doing the bins which is horrible at the best of times and a pain in the arse) and then having to clean the toilets which usually has vomit all over them. Tonight though I was left a present which shit all over the seat aswell. So basically this certain manager had swept and moped half of the dance... that was it. I can do that in 10mins. Then when there extremely rude to the staff all night and try to tell you that your taking your time doing your job, its particularly annoying. I felt like quitting a job I enjoy that night. Rant over. Apart from that, I've been thinking about what the future holds for me. Unless the boys start leaving, I'm set her in Auckland. Have no intention of moving out of Hostel life and into a flat. Going home after the world cup for xmas 2011. Saving money and going to spend the next couple of years working on and off in other countries and travelling them. First stop is USA, then South America where I will just travel because of the language barrier then Island hope through South Asia before coming home and thinking about doing Europe and Africa. Who wants to settle down and have a boring job, living in a boring apartment seeing the same things day in day out?

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