I don't know if it's me trying to save money or me really wanting to succeed as the bar manager but it's a public holiday and I'm sat in the office doing work on the promo posters and other bar stuff. A bit sad but to be honest there isn't an awful lot else to do with no money and I'm pretty much just waiting for Helen to get here so I have an excuse to do the touristy shit during the day. We all know that my social life is at night not day anyway!
You'd think that finally now I have a better job that life would be that little bit more simpler? wrong. Up until last night I thought that apart from trying to sort out Helen's flights for her, trying to find an apartment, I had everything sorted. I get how to run the bar now (a few things will crop up here and there that will probaly confuse me at some point). Well, I came down the bar last night for a quiet beer but bumped into Hoey, Menz and Kate who were out on the piss celebrating Menz's last day. Hoey took me to one side and told me that the group that own Nomads are pulling out of the building. I think this means that I'm not working for Nomads anymore and the hostel will now just be 'The Fat Camel'. He assures me I have a job but its confusing times as my contract (which I have yet to sign) is with Nomads.
Business has never been my strong point but I'm just going to watch my back and knuckle down to some work, get revenue and show that I'm a key player in this game!
Apart from that I had a great night. Ben popped into the bar who is now living in Albany so we went out on the piss and fuck was in a great mood last night, wouldnt suprise me if Ben slipped me something haha We ended up trekking all the way upto K' road as they were the only bars that were open. We also ended up going into a gay bar with his mate until stupid o'clock this morning! was a great laugh trying to get his gay mate and get hit on myself in the process... aparantly I have amazing eyes and a good sense of style about myself. Actually, as I'm abit ego orientated. I'm going to leave this entry on that. amazing eyes haha
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